Thursday, February 7, 2013

Various thoughts about food month thus far

Day 2 
3:30 p.m. - The roasted apple and sweet potato soup is pretty good. We're going to be eating quite a few sweet potatoes this month. I hope we don't turn orange... (Elisabeth's complexion got a bit orangish as a baby because of her baby food favorites. You can understand my fear of turning orange, right???)

8:39 p.m. - The black coffee lasted almost two full days. I just can't stomach it. I am drinking a cup right now with a touch of sugar and 2% milk. Sue me. At least it's not heavy cream. Or a macchiato. Besides, Andy put marshmallows on his peanut butter toast and is (not so) secretly hoping we go to a Super Bowl party tomorrow so we can "be polite" and eat the food that is served. See? Compared to that, a little sugar in my coffee isn't too bad! :)

Day 3
2:49 p.m. - There are brownies in the oven to take to the Super Bowl party where we plan on eating whatever the heck we want. So there it is - we are caving in on day three. Pathetic? Maybe. Back on track after tonight.

Day 5
12:41 - I had Subway for lunch. 9 grain wheat bread, oven roasted chicken, and spinach. Tomatoes, jalapenos, onions, and sweet onion teriyaki sauce have never looked so good to me. That being said, my sandwich was still pretty good. Just dull. 
P.S. - No one has turned orange yet. :)

Day 6
6:15 p.m. - I told Andy if he would go get cheesecake, we could eat it after Elisabeth went to sleep and I wouldn't blog about it; it would be our secret. He refused.

7:30 p.m. - Andy pulled out banana chips. They are crunchy. I didn't realize how much I have missed crunchy things. All of the sudden, I have a love for banana chips.

Day 7
9:02 p.m. - We have made it through one week. We are already a bit tired of some things, but overall it's been good. Hard, though. Andy and I are going to a Lifeway Festival of Marriage in March and Brandon and Jen Hatmaker (author of the book 7) will be there; at this point, I'm not sure it would be a good idea to meet her. She might walk away with a black eye...


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