Thursday, January 3, 2013

And today, I almost cried...

Today's plan was this: finish the kitchen cabinets and finally start on the dresser in our room. I thought I'd come home at lunch and work in the kitchen some more. God had other plans.

When I got to the office this morning, I asked about a lady with whom our church has recently become acquainted and whether or not she needed any clothes. As it turns out, she had already been given some clothes, but there was another lady who was in need of help. As in, she had nothing. She was sleeping on a mattress she pulled out of a dumpster. (And she has a 2 month old daughter.) I was given her name and phone number so I could find out what size she wore. After getting over the "this is going to be so awkward!" feeling, I called the number and her mom answered. I was eloquent (or not). "Umm, this is a strange phone call, but a guy from my church said your daughter needs clothes. What size does she wear?" As God would have it, she wears pretty much my size! I had SO. MUCH. FUN. going through my closet and drawers picking things out for her! Pants, skirts, cute tops, casual tops, dresses, shoes (I'm hoping they fit), jewelry, purses, Bath and Body Works stuff. Another friend brought some clothes. I had been planning on just taking it to Goodwill or Salvation Army (totally nothing wrong with that), but instead got to give them to someone I can pray for by name. How cool is that???

My heart is overwhelmed today by how God works - how my little plans change and how He allows us to be involved in His Work. I don't know that I've ever had a better lunch hour. I'm praying the clothes work and that this precious lady will be able to continue on her journey with God in better living conditions - and raise her daughter to know the God Who loves her, as well.

Please know, the last thing I want from this blog post (or any others) is a pat on the back. There are others in my church collecting furniture and kitchen items and bedding and all kinds of things for this family. I have been humbled today by God's timing and planning - that He would place this family in my path at the beginning of possessions month and that she is my size is just like Him. I'm not surprised, but I am amazed. Thank You, Lord, for choosing to use Your children.

P.S. And we can scratch the title. While typing out today's events, I did cry... :)

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