Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day One: Possessions: Go!

Confession: Day One began with me rolling out of bed and joining approximately 2.5 million other people at Dillard's for their New Year's Day sale. I was hunting a purse and I got one. :) Let's just be clear - this is possessions month, not spending month... :)

Jen Hatmaker's goal with possessions month was to give away - you guessed it - 7 items a day the whole month. It sounded daunting until she hit the month's quota after going only through her closet. By the end the month, her family had given away more than 1,000 items.

Our family is tackling this project a closet, dresser, and cabinet at a time. We will have a few piles - Goodwill, Twinkle Twinkle (a local, twice-a-year consignment where I sell Elisabeth's clothes so I can get her the next size she will outgrow quickly), "I know a great place/person for this", and, my favorite, the "why do I even have this crap?" pile. You know the scene in The Sound of Music when Maria gets to the von Trapp mansion and they ask about her clothes? She says she gave them to the poor. Captain von Trapp asks her about the one she is wearing and she replies, "Oh, the poor didn't want this one!" So far I've only gone through one closet and I've already seen that pile build up and be thrown out. Sigh. Housekeeping has never really been my thing...

Today, I took on the coat closet. The one where things are always falling off their hangers and scarves fall on your head when you try desperately to find matching gloves. I was saddened when I found a jacket I'd forgotten I had because it was buried by ones I never wear. In the end, I pulled out 20-30 jackets, sweaters, and coats (from 3 people!) and distributed them among the piles. A bonus for today's work? If you come to my house, I now have a place for you to hang your coat! :)

I won't be posting every day, but will get on to tell you how God is using this time to work in our family. Tomorrow, I will be taking on a few dresser drawers and kitchen cabinets. If you haven't heard from me in a couple of days, I have probably been buried under VBS t-shirts and a various assortment of kitchen gadgets...

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