I'm just going to go ahead and say it and get it over with: spending month didn't seem to be too difficult. I feel like it should have been harder. Andy says it's probably because we "cheated" during the Branson trip and because we aren't huge spenders anyway. My best friend says it's because after food month, anything will seem easy! I'm sure they're right. Plus, I didn't even let myself walk around Target and see those red clearance stickers that always call to me and end up in my basket, whether I need the merchandise or not. It's been a good month, just not exceedingly difficult.
Cue clothing month. I've debated how to work clothing month. I don't want to fast for fasting's sake and I have already pared down my wardrobe considerably, thanks to possessions month. However, the overall goal of the year is a simplified life. I can't tell you how many days I try on three pairs of pants and four tops before deciding on an outfit and walking out the door. And then I come home and find them laying all over the bedroom because there wasn't time to put it all away. But not in April. For my "going out of the house clothes", I have settled on three pairs of jeans, a pair of red pants, 4 t shirts (Compassion International, VBS, Awana, and kidz ministry), a black sweater, a 3/4 button down, and a short sleeve button down. The three pairs of jeans is only because one pair is actually a bit too small, so I'm challenging myself to get into them. Two of the t shirts are "uniforms" for some events this month and the different tops are allowing for crazy April weather. I'm not limiting my shoes because I don't generally wear a ton of them anyway. Undergarments are considered freebies, as are my running clothes (I am running a half marathon on the 20th).
I am hoping to spend less time worrying about what I am wearing and how cute (or not so cute?) I am going to look. (Although I just realized I don't have anything pink to wear this month. Sad day. It's a good thing my running shoes have pink on them and glow in the dark. Yes, you read that correctly.)
Thus begins the month of less laundry and dramatically reduced clothing choices. And hopefully I'll learn a little something about focusing on caring for my heart and attitude more than my outward appearance. Month four starts: now!
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